Top 10k strings from Android Pit Rescue (1983)(Abacus Programs)(16k).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TAP] /

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   2 ;"Press P"
   1 yo,xo;" ":
   1 y=y+(a$="6"
   1 x=x+(a$="8"
   1 CHR       
   1 Android   
   1 ;"Press P to start .."
   1 ;"A N D R O I D  P I T-R E S C U E"
   1 ;" You scored ";sc;
   1 ;" High score ";hsc
   1 ,," You control an android (
   1 ,," The rescued miners are taken   from the android automatically  when it reaches the surface ."
   1 ,," The mines on the planet Zarqon are very cold and the water     rapidly freezes . The miners aresafe in their suits and you mustpick them up one at a time and  take them to the surface . You  pick them up by moving on to    them,to put one down press ""0"". As the more experienced miners  work the deepest the score is   the square of the depth ."
   1 ,," The android is coated with a   special water repellant and if  the android is not moved water  will stop at its surface ."
   1 ,," If you get stuck you can blast a passage up and down for 5 sq. by pressing ""P"" . You can only  do this 8 times ."
   1 ,," DO NOT ENTER THE WATER ... the android will be destroyed !"
   1 ) usedto save miners (
   1 ) in the event of flooding ."
   1 " The android is moved by the    cursor keys (5,6,7&8)"